Life Goes On...

In every human life,
there are some moments when one is sad and depressed Frustrated from every zone of life, And feel like leaving everything & going away And Life Goes on ...

Some moments in which
one is wrapped with tensions
one wants to get out of them
and fly high in the sky
But cant run away, and life goes on ...

Some moments in which,
one who adores hurts sentiments,
one needs a support, a shoulder to dry on, But doesnt find one , and life goes on ...

Some moments in which one gets tired of life or so intensely hurt that one wants to die one wishes to end up with life at that very moment, and life goes on ...

And in every human life on day arrives
When there is a big halt to one's life.
And then the people cry
and show that they were concerned

Then the question arises:
Do they wait for one's death,
To care, To understand the one
If so, then wait till death and until then LIFE GOES ON ...

-- Kalingaa...

1 comment:

  1. Such is life.
    But it's beautiful. We should learn to enjoy not only the pleasures but the pains of life too.
