I'm Sorry...

Yes, I'm Sorry for a lot many things in life. I think this sentence is most used and more importantly most abused sentence in our day-to-day conversations. Yet we find more reasons for be sorry and feel sorry at emotional level.

We can be sorry for anything to everything. We are sorry for dropping a catch to dropping a nuke bomb. We are sorry for breaking a glass to breaking a heart. We are sorry for dirty handkerchief to dirty talk. We are sorry for being silent to being loud. We be sorry for trivial thing but not of important things in our life.

It would be next to impossible if I've to count the number of times I've said it in last week. The range of people include random auto-driver to office colleague to college friend to family member to random. We can be sorry for stepping on someone's feet in elevator but would skip the sorry if we overstep in someone's emotions.

But I can count to the occasions when I didn't say sorry to someone who mattered for my lifetime and yet I fell silent. Why do we accept a tag of 'being inconsiderate' rather than being 'one who made a mistake and accepted it'? Our egos make us silent and be the ones to be wrong for rest of our lives. The weight for sorry is too much when we have to actually mean it. I couldn't say sorry for being true irrespective of the possible negative outcome. I couldn't say to someone for being indifferent. I couldn't say sorry for being so deeply broken.

When I thought to try and be apologetic to everyone to whom I owe a sorry, few people figured for something so important that it changed lives. Now when words are ready, ears are not reachable. There is no need to hide it now. Now when there is no curtain from God then why hide behind the curtain or veil from his followers. Today I will tell the story of my heart even if the world takes my life. Death is the one that the world sees.

I'm Sorry. I'm not sorry for what I did but I'm sorry for what I avoided. Often wrong but Never in Doubt.
-- Kalingaa...

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